Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Trial and Error

Ok, so I was supposed to be working on my blog tonight but got kind of side-tracked by another blog I came across today called It’s a girl (Steph) in Sydney who writes about her cooking or, more precisely, her baking exploits. I’m hooked. Why wouldn’t I be? She’s made a Tim Tam cake for goodness sake!

Tim Tam cakes aside; the blog is not just a list of recipes. Steph tells stories around how she came up with the idea for whatever she has made, through adaptation of existing recipes and trial and error. She is refreshingly honest and forthright about her mistakes, her messes and her meltdowns (sometimes literally and concerning chocolate).

Trial and error is all part of learning right? Some days I feel I make more mistakes then getting things right, particularly where my work is concerned, and my confidence gets chocolate chip sized as a result. But I just have to believe that things will turn out well in the end, maybe not a Tim Tam cake but something close and, if I keep practicing and through trial and error, I’ll get a great recipe in the end (metaphorically speaking).

In the meantime, I think I’ll just go and find some chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Now I want chocolate too!

    The blogosphere can be a bit like that... I tend to try to write my blog posts before I let myself sit down and start reading through other people's... otherwise I just end up reading and not getting my own stuff done!
