This week a colleague sent me a blog about why recruiters don’t blog (see the end of this blog for a list of links to blogs I’m talking about here).
There were a couple of interesting points or questions that this blog raised for me. The first point is that recruiters don’t blog because it is not necessarily a social activity, and I quote from this blog: “to write a blog post you need to sit and think and write”. However the blog also makes the point that the best recruitment bloggers end up teaching and training. Hmmm ok, well then L&D specialists should be right in there with the blogging because that’s what they do, they sit and think and write.
Secondly, with that in mind, why don’t more HR people blog? L&D is often seen as an extension of HR (although I’m sure there are some people who would argue otherwise) so it stands to reason, if recruitment people don’t blog because of the sitting, thinking and writing, both L&D people and HR people should be proficient bloggers, right?
Well, Brad Power in the Harvard Business Review suggests that HR people are not necessarily innovators in business (which you might argue otherwise - and I hope you do!), which I infer means they might not be up with the play with something like blogging. However, there are a number of HR blogs out there, most of which are written by actual HR people. There is even a list of the top 25 HR blogs. So HR people do blog, so perhaps it’s a personal thing rather than a business-orientated thing?
However, there are still not that many HR people, particularly in New Zealand that are out there writing a blog. Why? Are we scared of that tall poppy syndrome? Anecdotally, we don’t blog because it’s scary. “What if people don’t like what I say?” I think that every time I do my blog, but I go ahead and post it anyway. I’m no expert on blogging, this is blog number 16, but I’m already getting comments, engaging with people that I might not have otherwise, and getting involved in further discussions. This is invaluable to my own learning and hopefully to others.
So to all those people thinking “oh that’s cool you’ve got a blog, but I could NEEEVER do that” do it anyway. It’s not that bad, and it’s not that scary. You just have to do it, take that first step and then do it regularly. And if you’re wondering how to write a blog, my wonderful colleague Tanja Gardner from Crystal Clarity Copywriting has an awesome blog about how to write a blog. She’s also bringing out an ebook on the series that will be available for sale from early April with a discounted introduction price.
How’s that for a blog about blogs with lots of links to other useful and/or interesting blogs?
The blogs I’ve referred to for your reference:
Why recruiters don’t blog
Tanja’s blog (scroll down on the right-hand side, you'll see the very last category at the bottom is "Wtdbp Series").
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